Month: July 2008

  • “Your opinions make you nothing more than a pompous ass.”

    “Well, says you.” he retorted. Yeah, he had good zingers just like that one. For a person so young, he thought he had the world figured out. It’s easy to have an opinion about something that hasn’t directly affected you. But what about those experiences that bring the world crashing down around you?

    “I’m not going to have sex until I’m married,” it was something she proclaimed at least once a day. “That’s easy to say when you’re fourteen years old and don’t have a boyfriend.” and at that, everyone around would laugh. The intentions were innocent enough, but we all know where intentions lead.

  • What do I know?!

    There are a great many things which I do not know. I will admit it freely. The beauty is, though, that while I am aware of the presence of things I don’t know, I don’t know which things I don’t know. Sure, off the top of my head I could name things like, tying a bow tie, that I don’t know, but that’s also something that I could learn very easily. Or not, just depending on skill, but the point is, I would learn the technique, so theoretically, it would be something I knew. But the most important things that I don’t know stem from the fact that I am completely unaware of their existence. Since, I know that bow ties exist then it is of course, not part of the things I don’t know that I don’t know list.

    It is, precisely, of those things that I wish to learn. But I don’t even know where to begin. I think, this is why they talk of learning something new everyday. It’s not about completing some perfunctory task or learning the elemental properties of er, whatever but about completely challenging the horizons of the comfortable world in which you subsist.

    And this, this is why acceptance is needed. Just ask any ignoramus.

  • Sometimes I feel like I have an abundance of myself to give to the Xanga world, and other times, such as now, I feel like there isn’t enough of me to go around.

    All seriousness aside, what is it about Otter Pops that are so good?